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1.Li, W.H., and Lam, S.H., Principles of Fluid Mechanics. Addison- Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Reading, Massachusetts, 1964,374 p.

2.Shepherd, D.G., Elements of Fluid Mechanics. Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc., New York, 1965, 498 p.

3.Schenkel, F.K., "The Origins of Drag and Lift Reductions on Automobiles with Front and Rear Spoilers," SAE Paper No. 770389,1977,11 p.

4.Kramer, C., "Introduction to Aerodynamics," Lecture notes for Short Course 1984-01, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Jan. 1984,60 p.

5.Lay, W.E., "Is 50 Miles per Gallon Possible with Correct Streamlining?" SAE Journal, Vol. 32, 1933, pp 144-156, pp 177-186.

6.Hoemer, S., Fluid-Dynamic Drag. Published by the author, Midland Park, NJ, 1965.

7.Kamm, W., "Einfluss der Reichsautobahn auf die Gestaltung von Kraftfahrzeugen," ATZ, Vol. 37, 1943, pp 341-354.

8."SAE Vehicle Dynamics Terminology," SAE J670e, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA (смотри Приложение A).

9."Vehicle Aerodynamics Terminology," SAE J1594, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA, June 1987, 5 p.

10.Buchheim, R., Deutenback, K.-R., and Luckoff, H.-J., "Necessity and Premises for Reducing the Aerodynamic Drag of Future Passenger Cars," SAE Paper No. 810185, 1981, 14 p.

11.Hucho, W.-H., and Janssen, L.J., "Beitrage der Aerodynamik im Rahmen einer Scirocco " ATZ, Vol. 77,1975, pp 1-5.

12.Scibor-Rylski, A.J., Road Vehicle Aerodynamics. Second Edition, Pentech Press, London, 1984, 244 p.

13.Sardou - M.S.W.T , M., and Sardou, S.A., "Why to Use High Speed Moving Belt Wind Tunnel for Moving Ground Surface Vehicles Development," Lecture notes for Short Course 1984-01, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Jan. 1984, 59 p.

14.Hucho, W.H., Janssen, L J., andEmmelmann, H.J., "The Optimization of Body Details - A Method for Reducing Aerodynamic Drag of Road Vehicles," SAE Paper No. 760185,1976, 18 p.

15.Gilhaus, A.M., and Renn, V.E., "Drag and Driving-Stability-Related Aerodynamic Forces and Their Interdependence - Results of Measurement on 3/8-Scale Basic Car Shapes," SAE Paper No. 860211,1986,15 p.

16.Cole, D., "Elementary Vehicle Dynamics," course notes in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1972.

17.Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles. Wolf-Heinrich Hucho, ed., Butterworths, London, 1987, 566 p.

18.Hogue, J.R., "Aerodynamics of Six Passenger Vehicles Obtained from Full Scale Wind Tunnel Tests," SAE Paper No. 800142, 1980, 17 p.

19.MacAdam, C.C., Sayers, M.W., Pointer, J.D., and Gleason, M., "Cross- wind Sensitivity of Passenger Cars and the Influence of Chassis and Aerodynamic Properties on Driver Performance," Vehicle Systems Dynamics, Vol. 19, 1990, 36 p.

20.Willumeit, H.P., et al., "Method to Correlate Vehicular Behavior and Driver’s Judgment under Side Wind Disturbances," Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks. Proceedings, Swets and Zeitlinger B. V. -Lisse, 1988, pp. 509-524.

21.Uffelmann, F., "Influence of Aerodynamics and Suspension on the Cross-Wind Behaviour of Passenger Cars - Theoretical Investigation under Consideration of the Driver’s Response," Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks. O. Nordstrom, ed., Swets and Zeitlinger B. V. - Lisse, 1986, pp. 568-581.

22.van den Hemel, H., et al., "The Cross-Wind Stability of Passenger Cars: Development of an Objective Measuring Method," Fourth IAVSD Congress, 1987.

23.Clark, S.K., et aly "Rolling Resistance of Pneumatic Tires," The University of Michigan, Interim Report No. UM-010654-3-1, July 1974, 65 p.

24.Fancher, P.S., and Winkler, C.B., "Retarders for Heavy Vehicles: Phase III Experimentation and Analysis; Performance, Brake Savings, and Vehicle Stability," U. S. Department of Transportation, Report No. DOT HS 806 672, Jan. 1984,144 p.

25.Buchheim, R., "Contributions of Aerodynamics to Fuel Economy Improvements of Future Cars," Fuel Economy Research Conference, Section 2: Technical Presentations.


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