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1.Mechanics of Pneumatic Tires. Samuel K. Clark, editor, U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Administration, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1981, 931 pp.

2.Dugoff, H., Fancher, P.S., and Segel, L., "Tire Performance Characteristics Affecting Vehicle Response to Steeringand Braking Control Inputs," The University of Michigan Highway Safety Research Institute, August 1969, 105 p.

3.Sharp, R.S., and EI-Nashar, M.A., "A Generally Applicable Digital Computer Based Mathematical Model for the Generation of Shear Forces by Pneumatic Tires," Vehicle Systems Dynamics, Vol. 15, No. 4, 1986, pp. 187-209.

4.Meyer, W.E., and Kummer, H.W., "Mechanisms of Force Transmission Between Tire and Road," SAE Paper No. 620407 (490A), 1962, 18 p.

5."Vehicle Dynamics Terminology," SAE J670e, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA (смотри Приложение A).

6.1991 Yearbook. The Tire & Rim Association Inc., Copley, Ohio, 1991.

7.Ervin, R.D., "The State of Knowledge Relating Tire Design to Those Traction Properties which May Influence Vehicle Safety," The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Report No. UM-HSRI-78-31, July 1978, 128 p.

8.Annual Book of ASTM Standards. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA.

9.Loeb, J.S., Guenther, D.A., Chen, H.H., and Ellis, J.R., "Lateral Stiffness, Cornering Stiffness and Relaxation Length of the Pneumatic Tire," SAE Paper No. 900129, 1990, 11 p.

10.Pacejka, H.B., "Tire Characteristics and Vehicle Dynamics," course notes, University Consortium for Continuing Education, November 2-4, 1988, Washington, D.C., 199 p.

11.Radt, H.S., and Milliken, W.F., "Motions of Skidding Automobiles," SAE Paper No. 600133 (205A), 1960, 21 p.

12.Nordeen, D.L., and Cortese, A.D., "Force and Moment Characteristics of Rolling Tires," SAE Paper No. 640028 (713A), 1964, 13 p.

13.Gillespie, T.D., "Front Brake Interactions with Heavy Vehicle Steering and Handling during Braking," SAE Paper No. 760025, 1976, 16 p.

14.Lippman, S.A., et al., "A Quantitative Analysis of the Enveloping Forces of Passenger Tires," SAE Paper No. 670174, 1967, 10 p.

15.Potts, G.R., et al., "Tire Vibrations," Tire Science and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1977, p. 202-225.

16.Barson, C.W., and Dodd, A.M., "Vibrational Characteristics of Tyres," Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Paper C94/71, 1971, 12 p.


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